Service Rates
Purchase By Job
Smaller jobs
Schedule a call with us and get those small to-dos done ASAP! During the phone consultation we will help you understand any materials you may need to have handy to complete your project if any. Small jobs are anything requiring minimal tools with an estimated time frame of no more than 3 hours to complete.
Small Job Flat Rate - $199 per job
*Requires 25% deposit upon scheduling. Client may be responsible for providing project materials, which will be discussed over the phone consultation before purchase and scheduling. Additional travel time cost may apply for travel outside a 30 mile radius of Arcadia, CA. Jobs outside business hours are charged at double the rate.
Larger Jobs
Schedule a 1 hour in-home consultation with an expert to come out and go over your larger project needs together. During the consultation we will work to understand your project goals, explain necessary steps, and discuss needed materials to ultimately conclude an estimated project timeline and project price. Then we will send this to you formally for approval and purchase. Large jobs are classified as requiring specialized tools, skills, and an estimated time frame of over 3 hours to complete.
Large Job Prices Based On Hourly Estimate - $99 per hour/per technician
*Requires 25% deposit upon scheduling. Client may be responsible for providing project materials which will be discussed during the consultation. Additional travel time cost may apply for travel outside a 30 mile radius of Arcadia, CA . Jobs outside business hours are charged at double the rate.
Know what you’re buying and paying!
We don’t hide price mark ups on materials in project cost, we use online shopping to walk our clients through what they need and how they can purchase it for pick up from a local hardware store if there’s any needed project materials not covered by us. Save a trip to the store and ask about our flat rate pickup service for preorder materials!
No hidden fees!
handy home Memberships
Life is already stressful enough, let us help keep one of your largest investment, your home, in tip top shape. Taking care of little things that allow day to day life to run smoother, to servicing things around the home as needed so they don’t become a larger issue later on, having your home regularly maintained through our membership helps buy you peace of mind.
Memberships include services within the scope of the up keep and maintaining of your home not addressed with other services like house keeping, services such as replacing smoke detectors, servicing drains, servicing faucets, servicing door/cabinet hinges, minor window services, cleaning or replacing filters, changing lightbulbs, servicing/cleaning fans, high area dusting/cleaning, deep floor/carpet cleaning, cleaning trash bins, and more!
initial membership walkthrough
To help you decide which Handy Home Membership to sign up for, we start with an in-home walkthrough utilizing a comprehensive checklist to discuss what up keep would benefit your home and make sure we are clear on your goals!
Initial Home Walkthrough - $49
*initial home walkthrough fee will be deducted from price of membership upon purchase!
handy home Membership Pricing
quarterly visits
Handy home visits every 3 months to ensure your house is at its optimum performance. Visits for 0-2 bedroom homes are approximately 1 hour, and visits for 3-4 bedroom homes are approximately 2 hours. During this time we will address things on your customized checklist. Choose our quarterly billing rate and cancel anytime, or lock into our upfront annual rate to save!
Billed Quarterly Rate - $99 per visit 0-2 bedroom/ $199 per visit 3-4 bedroom
Upfront Annual Rate - $349 0-2 bedroom/ $699 3-4 bedroom
*May not include the cost of materials. Additional travel time cost may apply for travel outside a 30 mile radius of Arcadia, CA. Requires an initial home consultation to address home needs. Specialized rates for homes larger than 2,400 sq. ft.
monthly visits
Handy home visits every month to ensure your house is at its optimum performance. Visits for 0-2 bedroom homes are approximately 1 hour, and visits for 3-4 bedroom homes are approximately 2 hours. During this time we will address things on your customized checklist. Choose our monthly billing rate and cancel anytime, or lock into our upfront annual rate to save!
Billed Quarterly Rate - $99 per visit 0-2 bedroom/ $199 per visit 3-4 bedroom
Upfront Annual Rate - $1,049 0-2 bedroom/ $2,099 3-4 bedroom
*May not include the cost of materials. Additional travel time cost may apply for travel outside a 30 mile radius of Arcadia, CA. Requires an initial home consultation to address home needs. Specialized rates for homes larger than 2,400 sq. ft.
Get set for a membership with your $49 home walkthrough
Walkthrough credited towards membership!